Source code for aristotle_mdr.managers

from typing import Iterable
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q, Subquery
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from model_utils.managers import InheritanceManager, InheritanceQuerySet

from import REVIEW_STATES
from aristotle_mdr.constants import visibility_permission_choices
from aristotle_mdr.contrib.groups.managers import AbstractGroupQuerySet

class PublishedMixin(object):
    def visible(self, user):
        Returns a queryset that returns all managed items that the given user has
        permission to view.

        It is **chainable** with other querysets.
        if user.is_superuser:
            return self.all()

        q = self.is_published_public
        if user.is_anonymous:
            return self.filter(q)

        q |= self.is_published_auth

        return self.filter(q)

    def public(self):
        Returns a queryset that returns all published items

        It is **chainable** with other querysets.
        q = self.is_published_public
        return self.filter(q)

    def is_published_public(self):
        return Q(

    def is_published_auth(self):
        return Q(

class UtilsManager(models.Manager):
    """Manager with extra util functions"""

    def bulk_delete(self, objects: Iterable[models.Model]):
        if isinstance(objects, models.QuerySet):
            ids = [ for o in objects]
            qs = self.get_queryset().filter(id__in=ids)

    def get_object_or_none(self, **kwargs):
            return self.get(**kwargs)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            return None

class MetadataItemQuerySet(InheritanceQuerySet):

class MetadataItemManager(InheritanceManager, UtilsManager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        from django.conf import settings

        qs = MetadataItemQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db)
        if hasattr(settings, 'FORCE_METADATAMANAGER_FILTER'):
            qs = qs.filter(*import_string(settings.FORCE_METADATAMANAGER_FILTER)())
        return qs

class StewardOrganisationQuerySet(AbstractGroupQuerySet):
    def visible(self, user):
        from aristotle_mdr.models import StewardOrganisation

        if user is None or user.is_anonymous:
            return self.filter(

        if user.is_superuser:
            return self.all()

        # If you are a member, you can see the Workgroup
        q = Q(
        # If you are the admin of a SO, you can see all the WGs.
        q |= Q(

        inner_so_qs = StewardOrganisation.objects.filter(q)
        return self.filter(uuid__in=Subquery(inner_so_qs.values('uuid')))

class WorkgroupQuerySet(AbstractGroupQuerySet):
    def visible(self, user):
        if user.is_anonymous:
            return self.none()

        if user.is_superuser:
            return self.all()

        from aristotle_mdr.models import StewardOrganisation
        WG_STATES = StewardOrganisation.states

        if user.is_superuser:
            return self.all()

        # If you are a member, you can see the Workgroup
        q = Q(
        # If you are the admin of a SO, you can see all the WGs.
        q |= Q(
        return self.filter(q)

class RegistrationAuthorityQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
    def visible(self, user):
        from aristotle_mdr.models import RA_ACTIVE_CHOICES, StewardOrganisation

        if user.is_superuser:
            return self.all()

        q = Q(
            # If the RA is NOT hidden **AND**
            ~Q(active=RA_ACTIVE_CHOICES.hidden) &
                # AND the SO is visible
                ]) |
                # OR you are a member of the SO.
        return self.filter(q)

[docs]class ConceptQuerySet(PublishedMixin, MetadataItemQuerySet):
[docs] def visible(self, user): """ Returns a queryset that returns all items that the given user has permission to view. It is **chainable** with other querysets. For example, both of these will work and return the same list:: ObjectClass.objects.filter(name__contains="Person").visible() ObjectClass.objects.visible().filter(name__contains="Person") """ need_distinct = False # Whether we need to add a distinct from aristotle_mdr.models import StewardOrganisation from aristotle_mdr.models import Workgroup if user is None or user.is_anonymous or not user.is_active: return self.public() if user.is_superuser: return self.all() if user.perm_view_all_metadata: return self.all() is_cached_public = Q(_is_public=True) # User can see everything they've made thats not assigned to an SO. user_is_submitter = Q(submitter=user) # User can see everything in their workgroups. workgroups = Workgroup.objects.filter(members__user=user, archived=False) user_in_workgroup = Q(workgroup__in=Subquery(workgroups.values('pk'))) inner_qs = self inner_qs = inner_qs.filter( # Registars can see items they have been asked to review Q( Q(rr_review_requests__registration_authority__registrars__profile__user=user) & ~Q(rr_review_requests__status=REVIEW_STATES.revoked) ) | # Registars can see items that have been registered in their registration authority Q( Q(statuses__registrationAuthority__registrars__profile__user=user) ) ) item_is_for_registrar = Q(id__in=Subquery(inner_qs.values('pk'))) item_is_published = self.is_published_public | self.is_published_auth inner_so_qs = StewardOrganisation.objects.filter( # The metadata belongs to an SO that is visible Q(state__in=[, StewardOrganisation.states.archived, ]) | # Or the SO or the metadata is private and you are a member of the SO. Q( state=StewardOrganisation.states.private, members__user=user, ) ) # If the metadata belongs to an SO, check the user can see it item_not_assigned_to_org = Q(stewardship_organisation__isnull=True) item_in_allowed_org = Q( stewardship_organisation__isnull=False, stewardship_organisation__in=Subquery(inner_so_qs.values('uuid')) ) q = Q( Q( user_is_submitter | is_cached_public | user_in_workgroup | item_is_published | item_is_for_registrar ) & Q(item_in_allowed_org | item_not_assigned_to_org) ) return self.filter(q)
[docs] def editable(self, user): """ Returns a queryset that returns all items that the given user has permission to edit. It is **chainable** with other querysets. For example, both of these will work and return the same list:: ObjectClass.objects.filter(name__contains="Person").editable() ObjectClass.objects.editable().filter(name__contains="Person") """ from aristotle_mdr.models import StewardOrganisation if user.is_superuser: return self.all() if user.is_anonymous: return self.none() q = Q() # User can edit everything they've made thats not locked q |= Q(submitter=user, _is_locked=False) editable_items = self.all().filter( Q( workgroup__members__role__in=['submitter', 'steward', 'manager'], workgroup__members__user=user, workgroup__archived=False, _is_locked=False ) | Q( workgroup__members__role__in=['steward', 'manager'], workgroup__members__user=user, workgroup__archived=False, _is_locked=True ) ) q |= Q(id__in=Subquery(editable_items.values('pk'))) return self.filter( q & ~Q(stewardship_organisation__state=StewardOrganisation.states.hidden) )
[docs] def public(self): """ Returns a list of public items from the queryset. This is a chainable query set, that filters on items which have the internal `_is_public` flag set to true. Both of these examples will work and return the same list:: ObjectClass.objects.filter(name__contains="Person").public() ObjectClass.objects.public().filter(name__contains="Person") """ from aristotle_mdr.models import StewardOrganisation return self.filter( Q(self.is_published_public | Q(_is_public=True)) & ~Q(stewardship_organisation__state__in=[ StewardOrganisation.states.hidden, StewardOrganisation.states.private ]) )
def with_related(self): related = self.model.related_objects if related: return self.select_related(*related) return self def __contains__(self, item): from aristotle_mdr.models import _concept if not issubclass(type(item), _concept): return False else: return self.all().filter(
[docs]class ConceptManager(MetadataItemManager): """ The ``ConceptManager`` is the default object manager for ``concept`` and ``_concept`` items, and extends from the django-model-utils ``InheritanceManager``. It provides access to the ``ConceptQuerySet`` to allow for easy permissions-based filtering of ISO 11179 Concept-based items. """ def get_queryset(self): from django.conf import settings qs = ConceptQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db) if hasattr(settings, 'FORCE_CONCEPTMANAGER_FILTER'): qs = qs.filter(*import_string(settings.FORCE_CONCEPTMANAGER_FILTER)()) return qs # return ConceptQuerySet(self.model) def __getattr__(self, attr, *args): if attr in ['editable', 'visible', 'public']: return getattr(self.get_queryset(), attr, *args) else: return getattr(self.__class__, attr, *args)
class ReviewRequestQuerySet(models.QuerySet): def visible(self, user): """ Returns a queryset that returns all reviews that the given user has permission to view. It is **chainable** with other querysets. """ needs_distinct = False if user.is_superuser: return self.all() if user.is_anonymous: return self.none() q = Q(requester=user) # Users can always see reviews they requested if user.profile.is_registrar: needs_distinct = True # Registars can see reviews for the registration authority q |= Q( Q(registration_authority__registrars__profile__user=user) & ~Q(status=REVIEW_STATES.revoked) ) if needs_distinct: return self.filter(q).distinct() return self.filter(q) class StatusQuerySet(models.QuerySet): def visible(self, user): """ Returns a queryset that returns all statuses that the given user has permission to view. It is **chainable** with other querysets. """ return self.all() def valid(self): return self.valid_at_date( def valid_at_date(self, when=None): if when is None: when = registered_before_now = Q(registrationDate__lte=when) registration_still_valid = ( Q(until_date__gte=when) | Q(until_date__isnull=True) ) return self.filter( registered_before_now & registration_still_valid ) def current(self, when=None): """ Returns a queryset that returns the most up to date statuses It is **chainable** with other querysets. """ if when is None: when = if hasattr(when, 'date'): when = states = self.valid_at_date(when) states = states.order_by("registrationAuthority", "concept_id", "-registrationDate", "-created", ) from django.db import connection if connection.vendor == 'postgresql': states = states.distinct('registrationAuthority', 'concept_id') else: current_ids = [] seen_ras = [] for s in states: ra = s.registrationAuthority if ra not in seen_ras: current_ids.append( seen_ras.append(ra) # We hit again so we can return this as a queryset states = states.filter(pk__in=current_ids) return states.select_related('registrationAuthority') class SupersedesQueryset(models.QuerySet): def visible(self, user): from aristotle_mdr.models import _concept visible_concepts = _concept.objects.visible(user) if user.is_superuser: return self.all() return self.filter( newer_item__in=visible_concepts, older_item__in=visible_concepts, ) def approved(self): return self.filter(proposed=False) def proposed(self): return self.filter(proposed=True) class ApprovedSupersedesQueryset(SupersedesQueryset): def queryset(self): return super().filter(proposed=False) class ProposedSupersedesQueryset(SupersedesQueryset): def queryset(self): return super().filter(proposed=True) class PublishedItemQuerySet(PublishedMixin, models.QuerySet): pass class ManagedItemQuerySet(PublishedItemQuerySet): def editable(self, user): """ Returns a queryset that returns all managed items that the given user has permission to edit. It is **chainable** with other querysets. """ if user.is_superuser: return self.all() if user.is_anonymous: return self.none() from aristotle_mdr.models import StewardOrganisation q = Q( stewardship_organisation__members__user=user, stewardship_organisation__members__role__in=[ StewardOrganisation.roles.admin, StewardOrganisation.roles.steward ] ) return self.filter(q)