Source code for aristotle_mdr.models

import uuid
import reversion
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Dict
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation
from django.urls import reverse
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete
from django.dispatch import receiver, Signal
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

from model_utils import Choices, FieldTracker
from model_utils.models import TimeStampedModel
from aristotle_mdr.utils.model_utils import (
from ckeditor_uploader.fields import RichTextUploadingField as RichTextField
from aristotle_mdr import perms
from aristotle_mdr.utils import (
from aristotle_mdr.utils.text import truncate_words
from aristotle_mdr.constants import visibility_permission_choices
from import REVIEW_STATES

from jsonfield import JSONField
from .fields import (

from .managers import (

from aristotle_mdr.contrib.groups.base import (

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.debug("Logging started for " + __name__)

This is the core modelling for Aristotle mapping ISO/IEC 11179 classes to Python classes/Django models.

Docstrings are copied directly from the ISO/IEC 11179-3 documentation in their original form.
References to the originals is kept where possible using brackets and the dotted section numbers -
Eg. explanatory_comment (

# 11179 States
# When used these MUST be used as IntegerFields to allow status comparison
STATES = Choices(
    (0, 'notprogressed', _('Not Progressed')),
    (1, 'incomplete', _('Incomplete')),
    (2, 'candidate', _('Candidate')),
    (3, 'recorded', _('Recorded')),
    (4, 'qualified', _('Qualified')),
    (5, 'standard', _('Standard')),
    (6, 'preferred', _('Preferred Standard')),
    (7, 'superseded', _('Superseded')),
    (8, 'retired', _('Retired')),


concept_visibility_updated = Signal(providing_args=["concept"])

class StewardOrganisation(AbstractGroup):
    objects = StewardOrganisationQuerySet.as_manager()

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = "Steward Organisation"

    roles = Choices(
        ('admin', _('Admin')),
        ('steward', _('Steward')),
        ('member', _('Member')),
    owner_roles = [roles.admin]
    new_member_role = roles.member

    class Permissions:
        def can_view_group(cls, user, group=None):
            if group.state in group.visible_states:
                return True

            if user.is_superuser:
                return True

            if group.state == group.states.private:
                return AbstractGroup.Permissions.is_member(user, group)

            if group.state == group.states.hidden:
                return user.is_superuser

            return False

    role_permissions = {
        "view_group": [Permissions.can_view_group],
        "manage_workgroups": [roles.admin],
        "publish_objects": [roles.admin, roles.steward],
        "manage_regstration_authorities": [roles.admin],
        "edit_group_details": [roles.admin],
        "edit_members": [roles.admin],
        "invite_member": [roles.admin],
        "manage_managed_items": [roles.admin, roles.steward],
        "manage_collections": [roles.admin, roles.steward],
        "list_workgroups": [roles.admin, AbstractGroup.Permissions.is_member],
        "manage_references": [roles.admin, roles.steward],
    states = Choices(
        ('active', _('Active')),
        ('private', _('Private')),
        ('archived', _('Deactivated & Visible')),
        ('hidden', _('Deactivated & Hidden')),

    active_states = [,
    visible_states = [, states.archived,

    description = RichTextField(
        help_text=_("Representation of a concept by a descriptive statement "
                    "which serves to differentiate it from related concepts. (3.2.39)")

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse(

class StewardOrganisationMembership(AbstractMembership):
    group_class = StewardOrganisation
    group_kwargs = {"to_field": "uuid"}

class registryGroup(unmanagedObject):
    managers = models.ManyToManyField(

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

    def can_edit(self, user):
        return user.is_superuser or self.managers.filter(

    def help_name(self):
        return self._meta.model_name

    def list_roles_for_user(self, user):
        # This should always be overridden
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

class Organization(registryGroup):
    6.3.6 - Organization is a class each instance of which models an organization (3.2.90),
    a unique framework of authority within which individuals (3.2.65) act, or are designated to act,
    towards some purpose.
    template = "aristotle_mdr/organization/organization.html"
    uri = models.URLField(  #
        blank=True, null=True,
        help_text="uri for Organisation"

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = 'Organisation'

    def promote_to_registration_authority(self):
        ra = RegistrationAuthority(organization_ptr=self)
        return ra

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return url_slugify_organization(self)

class OrganizationRecord(ManagedItem):
    """A record of an organisation"""

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = 'Organisation Record'

    (0, 'active', _('Active & Visible')),
    (1, 'inactive', _('Inactive & Visible')),
    (2, 'hidden', _('Inactive & Hidden'))

class RegistrationAuthority(Organization):
    """ - Registration_Authority class

    Registration_Authority is a class each instance of which models a registration authority (3.2.109),
    an organization (3.2.90) responsible for maintaining a register (3.2.104).

    A registration authority may register many administered items (3.2.2) as shown by the Registration
    ( association class.
    objects = RegistrationAuthorityQuerySet.as_manager()
    stewardship_organisation = models.ForeignKey(StewardOrganisation, to_field="uuid", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    template = "aristotle_mdr/organization/registration_authority/home.html"

    active = models.IntegerField(
        help_text=_('Setting this to Inactive will disable all further registration actions')
    locked_state = models.IntegerField(
            "When metadata is endorsed at  the specified 'locked' level, the metadata item will not longer be able to be altered by standard users. Only Workgroup or Organisation Stewards will be able to edit 'locked' metadata."),
    public_state = models.IntegerField(
            "When metadata is endorsed at the specified 'public' level, the metadata item will be visible to all users"),

    registrars = models.ManyToManyField(

    # The below text fields allow for brief descriptions of the context of each
    # state for a particular Registration Authority
    # For example:
    # For a particular Registration Authority standard may mean"
    #   "Approved by a simple majority of the standing council of metadata
    #    standardisation"
    # While "Preferred Standard" may mean:
    #   "Approved by a two-thirds majority of the standing council of metadata
    #    standardisation"

    notprogressed = models.TextField(
        _("Not Progressed"),
            "A description of the meaning of the 'Not Progressed' status level for this Registration Authority."),
    incomplete = models.TextField(
        help_text=_("A description of the meaning of the 'Incomplete' status level for this Registration Authority."),
    candidate = models.TextField(
        help_text=_("A description of the meaning of the 'Candidate' status level for this Registration Authority."),
    recorded = models.TextField(
        help_text=_("A description of the meaning of the 'Recorded' status level for this Registration Authority."),
    qualified = models.TextField(
        help_text=_("A description of the meaning of the 'Qualified' status level for this Registration Authority."),
    standard = models.TextField(
        help_text=_("A description of the meaning of the 'Standard' status level for this Registration Authority."),
    preferred = models.TextField(
        _("Preferred Standard"),
            "A description of the meaning of the 'Preferred Standard' status level for this Registration Authority."),
    superseded = models.TextField(
        help_text=_("A description of the meaning of the 'Superseded' status level for this Registration Authority."),
    retired = models.TextField(
        help_text=_("A description of the meaning of the 'Retired' status level for this Registration Authority."),

    tracker = FieldTracker()

    class Meta:
        verbose_name_plural = _("Registration Authorities")

    roles = {
        'registrar': _("Registrar"),
        'manager': _("Manager")

    def unlocked_states(self):
        return range(STATES.notprogressed, self.locked_state)

    def locked_states(self):
        return range(self.locked_state, self.public_state)

    def public_states(self):
        return range(self.public_state, STATES.retired + 1)

    def members(self):
        from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
        um = get_user_model()

        reg_pks = list(self.registrars.all().values_list("pk", flat=True))
        man_pks = list(self.managers.all().values_list("pk", flat=True))

        pks = set(reg_pks + man_pks)
        return um.objects.filter(pk__in=pks)

    def is_active(self):
        return ==

    def is_visible(self):
        return not == RA_ACTIVE_CHOICES.hidden

    def short_definition(self):
        stripped = strip_tags(self.definition)
        return truncate_words(stripped, 50)

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return url_slugify_registration_authoritity(self)

    def can_view(self, user):
        return True

    def statusDescriptions(self):
        descriptions = [

        unlocked = [
            (i, STATES[i], descriptions[i]) for i in self.unlocked_states
        locked = [
            (i, STATES[i], descriptions[i]) for i in self.locked_states
        public = [
            (i, STATES[i], descriptions[i]) for i in self.public_states

        return (
            ('unlocked', unlocked),
            ('locked', locked),
            ('public', public)

    def cascaded_register(self, item, state, user, *args, **kwargs):
        Register an item and all it's sub components. If the user has permission
        if not perms.user_can_add_ra_status(user, self, item):
            # Return a failure as this item isn't allowed
            return {'success': [], 'failed': [item] + item.registry_cascade_items}

        revision_message = _(
            "Cascade registration of item '%(name)s' (id:%(iid)s)\n"
        ) % {'name':,

        revision_message = revision_message + kwargs.get('changeDetails', "")
        seen_items = {'success': [], 'failed': []}

        with transaction.atomic(), reversion.revisions.create_revision():

            all_items = [item] + item.registry_cascade_items

            for child_item in all_items:
                if perms.user_can_add_ra_status(user, self, child_item):
                        child_item, state, user, *args, **kwargs
        return seen_items

    def register(self, item, state, user, *args, **kwargs):
        Register an item. If the user has permission
        if not perms.user_can_add_ra_status(user, self, item):
            # Return a failure as this item isn't allowed
            return {'success': [], 'failed': [item]}

        revision_message = kwargs.get('changeDetails', "")
        with transaction.atomic(), reversion.revisions.create_revision():
            self._register(item, state, user, *args, **kwargs)

        return {'success': [item], 'failed': []}

    def _register(self, item, state, user, *args, **kwargs):
        Internal function that performs actual registration
        Does not do any permissions checks
        Used by register and cascaded_register functions
        if is
            changeDetails = kwargs.get('changeDetails', "")
            # If registrationDate is None (like from a form), override it with
            # todays date.
            registrationDate = kwargs.get('registrationDate', None) or
            until_date = kwargs.get('until_date', None)


    def list_roles_for_user(self, user):
        roles = []
        if user in self.managers.all():
        if user in self.registrars.all():
        return roles

    def giveRoleToUser(self, role, user):
        if role == 'registrar':
        if role == "manager":

    def removeRoleFromUser(self, role, user):
        if role == 'registrar':
        if role == "manager":

    def removeUser(self, user):

@receiver(post_save, sender=RegistrationAuthority)
def update_registration_authority_states(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    if not created:
        if instance.tracker.has_changed('public_state') \
                or instance.tracker.has_changed('locked_state'):
            message = (
                "Registration '{ra}' changed its public or locked status "
                "level, items registered by this authority may have stale "
                "visiblity states and need to be manually updated."

class Workgroup(AbstractGroup, TimeStampedModel):
    A workgroup is a collection of associated users given control to work on a
    specific piece of work. Usually this work will be the creation of a
    specific collection of objects, such as data elements, for a specific

    Workgroup owners may choose to 'archive' a workgroup. All content remains
    visible, but the workgroup is hidden in lists and new items cannot be
    created in that workgroup.
    template = "aristotle_mdr/user/workgroups/workgroup.html"
    can_invite_new_users_via_email = False
    objects = WorkgroupQuerySet.as_manager()
    stewardship_organisation = models.ForeignKey(StewardOrganisation, to_field="uuid", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    archived = models.BooleanField(
        help_text=_("Archived workgroups can no longer have new items or "
                    "discussions created within them."),

    class Permissions(AbstractGroup.Permissions):
        def can_view_group(cls, user, group=None):
            return group.state in group.active_states and cls.is_member(user, group)

    roles = Choices(
        ('manager', _('Manager')),
        ('steward', _('Steward')),
        ('submitter', _('Submitter')),
        ('viewer', _('Viewer')),
    owner_roles = [roles.manager]
    new_member_role = roles.viewer

    role_permissions = {
        "view_group": [Permissions.can_view_group],
        "edit_group_details": [roles.manager],
        "edit_members": [roles.manager],
        "view_members": [Permissions.can_view_group],
        "invite_member": [roles.manager],
    states = Choices(
        ('active', _('Active')),
        ('archived', _('Deactivated & Visible')),
        ('hidden', _('Deactivated & Hidden')),

    active_states = [,
    visible_states = [, states.archived,

    definition = RichTextField(
        null=True, blank=True,
        help_text=_("Representation of a concept by a descriptive statement "
                    "which serves to differentiate it from related concepts. (3.2.39)")

    tracker = FieldTracker()

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return url_slugify_workgroup(self)

    def can_view(self, user):
        # If the user has permission to manage workgroups within the stewardship organisation the work-group
        # is a part of
        if self.stewardship_organisation.user_has_permission(user, "manage_workgroups"):
            return True
        return self.member_list.filter(

    def classedItems(self):
        # Convenience class as we can't call functions in templates
        return self.items.select_subclasses()

    def issues(self):
        """Return all issues for items in this workgroup"""
        from aristotle_mdr.contrib.issues.models import Issue
        return Issue.objects.filter(item__in=self.items.all()).order_by('-modified')

    def list_roles_for_user(self, user):
        return self.roles_for_user(user)

    def giveRoleToUser(self, role, user):
        if role == "manager":
            self.grant_role(self.roles.manager, user)
        if role == "viewer":
            self.grant_role(self.roles.viewer, user)
        if role == "submitter":
            self.grant_role(self.roles.submitter, user)
        if role == "steward":
            self.grant_role(self.roles.steward, user)

    def removeRoleFromUser(self, role, user):
        if role == "manager":
            self.revoke_role(self.roles.manager, user)
        if role == "viewer":
            self.revoke_role(self.roles.viewer, user)
        if role == "submitter":
            self.revoke_role(self.roles.submitter, user)
        if role == "steward":
            self.revoke_role(self.roles.steward, user)

    def removeUser(self, user):

    def can_edit(self, user):
        return user.is_superuser or self.has_role('manager',

    def managers(self):
        return self.users_for_role(self.roles.manager)

class WorkgroupMembership(AbstractMembership):
    group_class = Workgroup
    group_kwargs = {"to_field": "uuid"}

class DiscussionPost(discussionAbstract):
    workgroup = models.ForeignKey(Workgroup, related_name='discussions', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=256)
    relatedItems = models.ManyToManyField(
    closed = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    class Meta:
        ordering = ['-modified']

    def active(self):
        return not self.closed

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse(

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title

class DiscussionComment(discussionAbstract):
    post = models.ForeignKey(DiscussionPost, related_name='comments', on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    class Meta:
        ordering = ['created']

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return + '/#comment_' + str(

    def __str__(self):
        return self.body

[docs]class _concept(baseAristotleObject): """ - Concept class Concept is a class each instance of which models a concept (3.2.18), a unit of knowledge created by a unique combination of characteristics (3.2.14). A concept is independent of representation. This is the base concrete class that ``Status`` items attach to, and to which collection objects refer to. It is not marked abstract in the Django Meta class, and **must not be inherited from**. It has relatively few fields and is a convenience class to link with in relationships. """ objects = ConceptManager() template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/managedContent.html" list_details_template = "aristotle_mdr/helpers/concept_list_details.html" stewardship_organisation = models.ForeignKey( StewardOrganisation, to_field="uuid", null=True, blank=True, related_name="metadata", on_delete=models.CASCADE ) publication_details = ConceptGenericRelation('aristotle_mdr_publishing.PublicationRecord') version_publication_details = GenericRelation('aristotle_mdr_publishing.VersionPublicationRecord') workgroup = models.ForeignKey(Workgroup, related_name="items", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) submitter = models.ForeignKey( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name="created_items", null=True, blank=True, help_text=_('This is the person who first created an item. Users can always see items they made.'), on_delete=models.PROTECT ) # We will query on these, so want them cached with the items themselves # To be usable these must be updated when statuses are changed _is_public = models.BooleanField(default=False) _is_locked = models.BooleanField(default=False) # Cache of what type of item this is (set in handle_object_save) _type = models.ForeignKey( ContentType, on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True, ) version = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True) references = RichTextField(blank=True) origin_URI = models.URLField( blank=True, help_text=_("If imported, the original location of the item") ) origin = RichTextField( help_text=_("The source (e.g. document, project, discipline or model) for the item ("), blank=True ) comments = RichTextField( help_text=_("Descriptive comments about the metadata item ("), blank=True ) superseded_by_items = ConceptManyToManyField( # 'self', through='SupersedeRelationship', related_name="superseded_items", # blank=True, through_fields=('older_item', 'newer_item'), symmetrical=False, # help_text=_("") ) tracker = FieldTracker() edit_page_excludes: List[str] = [] admin_page_excludes: List[str] = [] # List of fields that will only be displayed if 'aristotle_backwards' is # enabled backwards_compatible_fields: List[str] = [] registerable = True relational_attributes: Dict[str, Dict] = {} # Used by concept manager with_related in a select_related related_objects: List[str] = [] # Fields to build the name from name_suggest_fields: List[str] = [] class Meta: # So the url_name works for items we can't determine. verbose_name = "item" indexes = [ models.Index(fields=['uuid']), ] class ReportBuilder: exclude = ('_is_public', '_is_locked', '_type') @classmethod def model_to_publish(cls): return _concept @classmethod def custom_help(cls): from aristotle_mdr.utils import cloud_enabled if not cloud_enabled(): return None ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(cls) return ct.custom_help @property def non_cached_fields_changed(self): changed = self.tracker.changed() changed.pop('_is_public', False) changed.pop('_is_locked', False) changed.pop('_type', False) return len(changed.keys()) > 0 @property def changed_fields(self): # changed = self.tracker.changed() # changed.pop('_is_public', False) # changed.pop('_is_locked', False) return self.tracker.changed() @property def cached_item(self) -> Optional[models.Model]: """ Return cached subclassed item or None The .item property below should be used instead unless the slow query needs to be avoided in all cases """ item = None ct = self._type if ct is not None: model = ct.model_class() try: item = model.objects.get( except model.DoesNotExist: # This should never happen if _type wasn't messed with return None return item @property def item(self) -> models.Model: """ Performs a lookup to find the subclassed item. If the type is cached in _type this lookup is fast otherwise InheritanceManager is used which is quite slow """ cached_item = self.cached_item if cached_item is not None: return cached_item # Fallback to using get_subclass (this is slow) item = _concept.objects.get_subclass( # Set _type for future calls (dont save though) self._type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(type(item)) return item @property def item_type(self) -> ContentType: """ Returns the content type of the subclassed item e.g. "object class" """ if self._type_id: # Use get_for_id so the internal cache is used return ContentType.objects.get_for_id(self._type_id) # Fallback to using get_subclass (this is slow) instance = _concept.objects.get_subclass( model = type(instance) ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(type(instance)) # Set _type for future calls (dont save though) self._type = ct return ct @property def item_type_name(self) -> str: """ Returns the verbose name of the subclassed items type e.g. "Object Class" """ # Get content type ct = self.item_type # Get model and return name model = ct.model_class() return model.get_verbose_name() @property def concept(self): """ Returns the parent _concept that an item is built on. If the item type is _concept, return itself. """ return getattr(self, '_concept_ptr', self) @property def short_definition(self): """ Provides a truncated (20 characters long) description of the item. Html tags are stripped. :return: 20 character long string. """ stripped = strip_tags(self.definition) return truncate_words(stripped, 20) @property def submitting_organizations(self): return self.org_records.all().filter(type='s') @property def responsible_organizations(self): return self.org_records.all().filter(type='r') @classmethod def get_autocomplete_name(cls): return 'Autocomplete' + "".join( cls._meta.verbose_name.title().split() ) @staticmethod def autocomplete_search_fields(self): return ("name__icontains",) def get_absolute_url(self): return url_slugify_concept(self) @property def registry_cascade_items(self) -> List: """ This returns the items that can be registered along with the this item. If a subclass of _concept defines this method, then when an instance of that class is registered using a cascading method then that instance, all instances returned by this method will all recieve the same registration status. Reimplementations of this MUST return lists of concept subclasses. """ return [] @property def is_registered(self): return self.statuses.count() > 0 @property def is_superseded(self): return self.statuses.filter(state=STATES.superseded).count() > 0 and all( STATES.superseded == status.state for status in self.statuses.all() ) and self.superseded_by_items_relation_set.count() > 0 @property def is_retired(self): return all( STATES.retired == status.state for status in self.statuses.all() ) and self.statuses.count() > 0 @property def favourited_by(self): from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model user_model = get_user_model() return user_model.objects.filter( profile__tags__favourites__item=self ).distinct() @property def editable_by(self): """Returns a list of the users allowed to edit this concept.""" from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model query = ( Q( Q(workgroupmembership__role__in=['submitter', 'steward', 'manager']) & Q(workgroupmembership__group=self.workgroup) ) | Q(created_items=self) ) return get_user_model().objects.filter(query).distinct() @property def component_fields(self): return [ field for field in type(self)._meta.get_fields() if field.is_relation and field.one_to_many and issubclass(field.related_model, aristotleComponent) ] @property def approved_supersedes(self): supersedes = self.superseded_items_relation_set.filter(proposed=False).select_related('older_item') return [ss.older_item for ss in supersedes] @property def approved_superseded_by(self): supersedes = self.superseded_by_items_relation_set.filter(proposed=False).select_related('newer_item') return [ss.newer_item for ss in supersedes] def can_edit(self, user): return _concept.objects.filter( def can_view(self, user): return _concept.objects.filter( def check_is_public(self, when=None): """ A concept is public if any registration authority has advanced it to a public state in that RA or if a publication record has been created for that object. """ # Check for public statuses if when is None: when = statuses = self.statuses.all() statuses = self.current_statuses(qs=statuses, when=when) pub_state = True in [ s.state >= s.registrationAuthority.public_state for s in statuses ] # Check if published by a PublicationRecord publication_details = self.publication_details.all() published = publication_details.filter(permission=visibility_permission_choices.public, # Check for extra filtering q = Q() extra = False extra_q = fetch_aristotle_settings().get('EXTRA_CONCEPT_QUERYSETS', {}).get('public', None) if extra_q: for func in extra_q: q |= import_string(func)() extra = self.__class__.objects.filter( return pub_state or extra or published def is_public(self): return self._is_public is_public.boolean = True # type: ignore is_public.short_description = 'Public' # type: ignore def check_is_locked(self, when=None): """ A concept is locked if any registration authority has advanced it to a locked state in that RA. """ if when is None: when = statuses = self.statuses.all() statuses = self.current_statuses(qs=statuses, when=when) return True in [ s.state >= s.registrationAuthority.locked_state for s in statuses ] def is_locked(self): return self._is_locked is_locked.boolean = True # type: ignore is_locked.short_description = 'Locked' # type: ignore def recache_states(self): self._is_public = self.check_is_public() self._is_locked = self.check_is_locked() concept_visibility_updated.send(sender=self.__class__, concept=self) def current_statuses(self, qs=None, when=None): if when is None: when = if qs is None: qs = self.statuses.all() return qs.current(when) def get_download_items(self) -> List[Union[models.Model, QuerySet]]: """ When downloading a concept, extra items can be included for download by overriding the ``get_download_items`` method on your item. By default this returns an empty list, but can be modified to include any number of items that inherit from ``_concept``. When overriding, each entry in the list can be either an item or a queryset """ return [] @property def is_sandboxed(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the item is in a sandbox A sandboxed item is 1. not registered, and 2. not under review or is for a review that has been revoked, and 3. has not been added to a workgroup 4. or a stewardship organisation""" not_registered = not self.statuses.all() not_reviewed = self.rr_review_requests.filter(~Q(status=REVIEW_STATES.revoked)).count() == 0 no_workgroup = self.workgroup is None no_stewardship_org = self.stewardship_organisation is None return not_registered and not_reviewed and no_workgroup and no_stewardship_org
[docs]class concept(_concept): """ This is an abstract class that all items that should behave like a 11179 Concept **must inherit from**. This model includes the definitions for many long and optional text fields and the self-referential ``superseded_by`` field. It is not possible to include this model in a ``ForeignKey`` or ``ManyToManyField``. """ objects = ConceptManager() class Meta: abstract = True @property def help_name(self): return self._meta.model_name @property def item(self): """ Return self, because we already have the correct item. """ return self
class SupersedeRelationship(TimeStampedModel): # Whether this relationship is proposed by a review, # or an actual approved relation proposed = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Whether this is a proposal or an active supersedes relation' ) older_item = ConceptForeignKey( _concept, related_name='superseded_by_items_relation_set', on_delete=models.CASCADE ) newer_item = ConceptForeignKey( _concept, related_name='superseded_items_relation_set', on_delete=models.CASCADE ) registration_authority = models.ForeignKey(RegistrationAuthority, on_delete=models.CASCADE) message = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) date_effective = models.DateField( _('Date effective'), help_text=_("The date the superseding relationship became effective."), blank=True, null=True ) review = ConceptForeignKey( 'aristotle_mdr_review_requests.ReviewRequest', null=True, default=None, related_name='supersedes', on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) objects = SupersedesQueryset().as_manager() approved = ApprovedSupersedesQueryset().as_manager() # Only non proposed relationships can be retrieved here proposed_objects = ProposedSupersedesQueryset().as_manager() # Only proposed objects can be retrieved here class RecordRelation(TimeStampedModel): """Link between a concept and an organisation record""" TYPE_CHOICES = Choices( ('s', 'Submitting Organisation'), ('r', 'Responsible Organisation'), ) concept = ConceptForeignKey(_concept, related_name='org_records', on_delete=models.CASCADE) organization_record = models.ForeignKey(OrganizationRecord, on_delete=models.PROTECT) type = models.CharField( choices=TYPE_CHOICES, max_length=1, ) class Status(TimeStampedModel): """ - Registration_State class A Registration_State is a collection of information about the Registration ( of an Administered Item ( The attributes of the Registration_State class are summarized here and specified more formally in """ objects = StatusQuerySet.as_manager() concept = ConceptForeignKey(_concept, related_name="statuses", on_delete=models.CASCADE) registrationAuthority = models.ForeignKey(RegistrationAuthority, on_delete=models.CASCADE) changeDetails = models.TextField( _("Change details"), blank=True, null=True ) state = models.IntegerField( _("State"), choices=STATES, default=STATES.incomplete, help_text=_("Designation (3.2.51) of the status in the registration life-cycle of an Administered_Item") ) # TODO: Below should be changed to 'effective_date' to match ISO IEC # 11179-6 (Section registrationDate = models.DateField( _('Date registration effective'), help_text=_("Date and time an Administered_Item became/becomes available to registry users.") ) until_date = models.DateField( _('Date registration expires'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_( "Date and time the Registration of an Administered_Item " "by a Registration_Authority in a registry is no longer effective." ) ) tracker = FieldTracker() class Meta: verbose_name_plural = "Statuses" @property def state_name(self): return STATES[self.state] def __str__(self): return "{obj} is {stat} for {ra} on {date} - {desc}".format(, stat=self.state_name, ra=self.registrationAuthority, desc=self.changeDetails, date=self.registrationDate ) def recache_concept_states(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs): instance.concept.recache_states() post_save.connect(recache_concept_states, sender=Status) post_delete.connect(recache_concept_states, sender=Status) class ObjectClass(concept): """ Set of ideas, abstractions or things in the real world that are identified with explicit boundaries and meaning and whose properties and behaviour follow the same rules (3.2.88) """ template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/objectClass.html" class Meta: verbose_name_plural = "Object Classes" @property def relational_attributes(self): rels = { "data_element_concepts": { "all": _("Data Element Concepts implementing this Object Class"), "qs": self.dataelementconcept_set.all() }, } if "aristotle_ontology" in fetch_aristotle_settings().get('CONTENT_EXTENSIONS'): from aristotle_ontology.models import ObjectClassSpecialisation rels.update({ 'broader_specialisations': { "all": _("As a broader class of"), "qs": self.oc_as_broader.all() }, 'narrower_specialisations': { "all": _("As a specialisation class of"), "qs": ObjectClassSpecialisation.objects.filter( objectclassspecialisationnarrowerclass__narrower_class=self ).all() }, }) return rels class Property(concept): """ Quality common to all members of an :model:`aristotle_mdr.ObjectClass` (3.2.100) """ template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/property.html" class Meta: verbose_name_plural = "Properties" @property def relational_attributes(self): rels = { "data_element_concepts": { "all": _("Data Element Concepts implementing this Property"), "qs": self.dataelementconcept_set.all() }, } return rels class Measure(ManagedItem): """ Measure_Class is a class each instance of which models a measure class (3.2.72), a set of equivalent units of measure (3.2.138) that may be shared across multiple dimensionalities (3.2.58). Measure_Class allows a grouping of units of measure to be specified once, and reused by multiple dimensionalities. NB. A measure is not defined as a concept in ISO 11179 ( """ template = "aristotle_mdr/manageditems/measure.html" class UnitOfMeasure(concept): """ actual units in which the associated values are measured :model:`aristotle_mdr.ValueDomain` (3.2.138) """ class Meta: verbose_name_plural = "Units Of Measure" template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/unitOfMeasure.html" list_details_template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/list_details/unit_of_measure.html" measure = models.ForeignKey( Measure, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) symbol = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True) @property def relational_attributes(self): return { "value_domains": { "all": _("Value Domains implementing this Unit of Measure"), "qs": self.valuedomain_set.all() }, } class DataType(concept): """ Set of distinct values, characterized by properties of those values and by operations on those values (3.1.9) """ template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/dataType.html" @property def relational_attributes(self): return { "value_domains": { "all": _("Value Domains implementing this Data Type"), "qs": self.valuedomain_set.all() }, } class ConceptualDomain(concept): """ Concept that expresses its description or valid instance meanings (3.2.21) """ # Implementation note: Since a Conceptual domain "must be either one or # both an Enumerated Conceptual or a Described_Conceptual_Domain" there is # no reason to model them separately. template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/conceptualDomain.html" description = RichTextField( _('Description'), blank=True, help_text=_( ('Description or specification of a rule, reference, or ' 'range for a set of all value meanings for a Conceptual Domain') ) ) serialize_weak_entities = [ ('value_meaning', 'valuemeaning_set'), ] @property def relational_attributes(self): return { "data_element_concepts": { "all": _("Data Element Concepts implementing this Conceptual Domain"), "qs": self.dataelementconcept_set.all() }, "value_domains": { "all": _("Value Domains Concepts implementing this Conceptual Domain"), "qs": self.valuedomain_set.all() }, } class ValueMeaning(aristotleComponent): """ Value_Meaning is a class each instance of which models a value meaning (3.2.141), which provides semantic content of a possible value ( """ class Meta: ordering = ['order'] name = models.CharField( # 3.2.141 max_length=255, help_text=_('The semantic content of a possible value (3.2.141)') ) definition = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True, help_text=_('The semantic definition of a possible value') ) conceptual_domain = ConceptForeignKey( ConceptualDomain, verbose_name='Conceptual Domain', on_delete=models.CASCADE ) order = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField("Position") start_date = models.DateField( blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Date at which the value meaning became valid') ) end_date = models.DateField( blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Date at which the value meaning ceased to be valid') ) parent_field_name = 'conceptual_domain' def __str__(self): return "%s: %s - %s" % (,, self.definition ) class ValueDomain(concept): """ Value_Domain is a class each instance of which models a value domain (3.2.140), a set of permissible values (3.2.96) ( """ # Implementation note: Since a Value domain "must be either one or # both an Enumerated Valued or a Described_Value_Domain" there is # no reason to model them separately. template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/valueDomain.html" list_details_template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/list_details/value_domain.html" serialize_weak_entities = [ ('permissible_values', 'permissiblevalue_set'), ('supplementary_values', 'supplementaryvalue_set'), ] clone_fields = ('permissiblevalue_set', 'supplementaryvalue_set') backwards_compatible_fields = ['classification_scheme', 'representation_class'] data_type = ConceptForeignKey( # DataType, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Datatype used in a Value Domain'), verbose_name='Data Type', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) format = models.CharField( # max_length=100, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('template for the structure of the presentation of the value(s)') ) maximum_length = models.PositiveIntegerField( # blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('maximum number of characters available to represent the Data Element value') ) unit_of_measure = ConceptForeignKey( # UnitOfMeasure, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Unit of Measure used in a Value Domain'), verbose_name='Unit Of Measure', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) conceptual_domain = ConceptForeignKey( ConceptualDomain, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('The Conceptual Domain that this Value Domain which provides representation.'), verbose_name='Conceptual Domain', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) classification_scheme = ConceptForeignKey( 'aristotle_mdr_backwards.ClassificationScheme', blank=True, null=True, related_name='valueDomains', verbose_name='Classification Scheme', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) representation_class = ConceptForeignKey( 'aristotle_mdr_backwards.RepresentationClass', blank=True, null=True, related_name='value_domains', verbose_name='Representation Class', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) description = RichTextField( _('Description'), blank=True, help_text=('Description or specification of a rule, reference, or ' 'range for a set of all values for a Value Domain.') ) @property def permissibleValues(self): return self.permissiblevalue_set.all() @property def supplementaryValues(self): return self.supplementaryvalue_set.all() @property def relational_attributes(self): return { "data_elements": { "all": _("Data Elements implementing this Value Domain"), "qs": self.dataelement_set.all() }, } class PermissibleValue(AbstractValue): """ Permissible Value is a class each instance of which models a permissible value (3.2.96), the designation (3.2.51) of a value meaning (3.2.141). """ class Meta: ordering = ['order'] verbose_name = "Permissible Value" class SupplementaryValue(AbstractValue): class Meta: ordering = ['order'] verbose_name = "Supplementary Value" class DataElementConcept(concept): """ Data Element Concept is a class each instance of which models a data element concept (3.2.29). A data element concept is a specification of a concept (3.2.18) independent of any particular representation. A data element concept can be represented in the form of a data element (3.2.28). Concept that is an association of a :model:`aristotle_mdr.Property` with an :model:`aristotle_mdr.ObjectClass` (3.2.29) ( """ # Redefine in this context as we need 'property' for the 11179 terminology. property_ = property template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/dataElementConcept.html" objectClass = ConceptForeignKey( # ObjectClass, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('references an Object_Class that is part of the specification of the Data_Element_Concept'), verbose_name='Object Class', on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) property = ConceptForeignKey( # Property, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('references a Property that is part of the specification of the Data_Element_Concept'), verbose_name='Property', on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) conceptualDomain = ConceptForeignKey( # ConceptualDomain, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('references a Conceptual_Domain that is part of the specification of the Data_Element_Concept'), verbose_name='Conceptual Domain', on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) related_objects = [ 'objectClass', 'property' ] name_suggest_fields = ['objectClass', 'property'] @property_ def registry_cascade_items(self): out = [] if self.objectClass: out.append(self.objectClass) if out.append( return out def get_download_items(self): return [ ObjectClass.objects.filter(id=self.objectClass_id), Property.objects.filter(id=self.property_id), ] @property_ def relational_attributes(self): return { "data_elements": { "all": _("Data Elements implementing this Data Element Concept"), "qs": self.dataelement_set.all() }, } # Yes this name looks bad - blame 11179:3:2013 for renaming "administered item" # to "concept". class DataElement(concept): """ Unit of data that is considered in context to be indivisible (3.2.28) """ template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/dataElement.html" list_details_template = "aristotle_mdr/concepts/list_details/data_element.html" dataElementConcept = ConceptForeignKey( # DataElementConcept, verbose_name="Data Element Concept", blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, help_text=_( "binds with a Value_Domain that describes a set of possible values that may be recorded in an instance of the Data_Element") ) valueDomain = ConceptForeignKey( # ValueDomain, verbose_name="Value Domain", blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, help_text=_("binds with a Data_Element_Concept that provides the meaning for the Data_Element") ) related_objects = [ 'valueDomain', 'dataElementConcept__objectClass', 'dataElementConcept__property' ] name_suggest_fields = ['dataElementConcept', 'valueDomain'] @property def registry_cascade_items(self): out = [] if self.valueDomain: out.append(self.valueDomain) if self.dataElementConcept: out.append(self.dataElementConcept) out += self.dataElementConcept.registry_cascade_items return out def get_download_items(self): items = [ DataElementConcept.objects.filter(id=self.dataElementConcept_id), ValueDomain.objects.filter(id=self.valueDomain_id) ] if self.dataElementConcept: items += self.dataElementConcept.get_download_items() return items # TODO: Can we refactor this to work on a set of objects instead of just one to speed up downloads. @property def relational_attributes(self): rels = {} if "aristotle_dse" in fetch_aristotle_settings().get('CONTENT_EXTENSIONS'): from aristotle_dse.models import DataSetSpecification, Distribution rels.update({ "dss": { "all": _("Inclusion in Data Set Specifications"), "qs": DataSetSpecification.objects.filter( dssdeinclusion__data_element=self ).distinct() }, "distributions": { "all": _("Inclusion in Data Distributions"), "qs": Distribution.objects.filter( distributiondataelementpath__data_element=self ).distinct() }, }) if "mallard_qr" in fetch_aristotle_settings().get('CONTENT_EXTENSIONS'): rels.update({ "dss": { "all": _("Use within a Question"), "qs": self.questions.all(), }, }) return {**rels, **get_comet_indicator_relational_attributes(self)} # Return both dictionaries combined. class DataElementDerivation(concept): r""" Application of a derivation rule to one or more input :model:`aristotle_mdr.DataElement`\s to derive one or more output :model:`aristotle_mdr.DataElement`\s (3.2.33) """ # edit_page_excludes = ['inputs', 'derives'] serialize_weak_entities = [ ('inputs', 'dedinputsthrough_set'), ('derives', 'dedderivesthrough_set'), ] @property def input_data_elements(self): return DataElement.objects.filter(dedinputsthrough__data_element_derivation=self) @property def derived_data_elements(self): return DataElement.objects.filter(dedderivesthrough__data_element_derivation=self) @property def inputs(self): return self.dedinputsthrough_set.all() @property def derives(self): return self.dedderivesthrough_set.all() derivation_rule = models.TextField( blank=True, help_text=_("text of a specification of a data element Derivation_Rule") ) class DedDerivesThrough(DedBaseThrough): pass class DedInputsThrough(DedBaseThrough): pass # Create a 1-1 user profile so we don't need to extend user # Thanks to class PossumProfile(models.Model): """ Extension "one-to-one" class of the existing user model """ user = models.OneToOneField( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name='profile', on_delete=models.PROTECT, ) savedActiveWorkgroup = models.ForeignKey( Workgroup, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) profilePictureWidth = models.IntegerField( blank=True, null=True ) profilePictureHeight = models.IntegerField( blank=True, null=True ) profilePicture = ConvertedConstrainedImageField( blank=True, null=True, height_field='profilePictureHeight', width_field='profilePictureWidth', max_upload_size=((1024 ** 2) * 10), # 10 MB content_types=['image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp', 'image/jpeg', 'image/x-ms-bmp'], js_checker=True ) notificationPermissions = JSONField( default={ "metadata changes": { "general changes": { "items in my workgroups": True, "items I have tagged / favourited": True, "any items I can edit": True }, "superseded": { "items in my workgroups": True, "items I have tagged / favourited": True, "any items I can edit": True }, "new items": { "new items in my workgroups": True }, }, "registrar": { "item superseded": True, "item registered": True, "item changed status": True, "review request created": True, "review request updated": True }, "issues": { "items in my workgroups": True, "items I have tagged / favourited": True, "any items I can edit": True }, "discussions": { "new posts": True, "new comments": True }, "notification methods": { "email": False, "within aristotle": True } } ) def get_profile_picture_url(self): return reverse( "aristotle:profile_picture", args=[] ) # Override save for inline creation of objects. # def save(self, *args, **kwargs): try: existing = PossumProfile.objects.get(user=self.user) = # Force update instead of insert. except PossumProfile.DoesNotExist: # pragma: no cover pass, *args, **kwargs) @property def activeWorkgroup(self): return self.savedActiveWorkgroup or None def workgroups_for_user(self): return Workgroup.objects.filter(members__user=self.user) @property def workgroups(self): # All of the workgroups a user can see if self.user.is_superuser: return Workgroup.objects.all() else: return self.workgroups_for_user() @property def myWorkgroups(self): # All of the workgroups a user can participate in return self.workgroups_for_user().filter(archived=False) @property def myWorkgroupCount(self): return self.myWorkgroups.all().count() @property def mySandboxContent(self): """ Sandbox content is content: 1. Submitted by the user 2. That is not registered 3. That is not under review or is for a review that has been revoked 4. That has not been added to a workgroup 5. That has not been put into a stewardship organisation """ return _concept.objects.filter( Q(submitter=self.user, statuses__isnull=True) & Q(Q(rr_review_requests__isnull=True) | Q(rr_review_requests__status=REVIEW_STATES.revoked)) & Q(workgroup__isnull=True) & Q(stewardship_organisation__isnull=True) ) @property def editable_workgroups(self): # This list of workgroups a user can edit metadata in if self.user.is_superuser: return Workgroup.objects.all().order_by('name') else: # TODO: Managers *can* edit things in groups return Workgroup.objects.filter( members__role__in=["steward", "submitter", "manager"], members__user=self.user, archived=False ) @property def is_registrar(self): return perms.user_is_registrar(self.user) @property def registrar_count(self): return self.user.registrar_in.count() @property def is_ra_manager(self): user = self.user if user.is_anonymous: return False if user.is_superuser: return True return RegistrationAuthority.objects.filter( > 0 @property def discussions(self): return DiscussionPost.objects.filter( workgroup__in=self.myWorkgroups.all() ) @property def registrarAuthorities(self): # NOTE: This is a list of Authorities the user is a *registrar* in!. if self.user.is_superuser: return RegistrationAuthority.objects.all().order_by('name') else: return self.user.registrar_in.all().order_by('name') def is_workgroup_manager(self, wg=None): return perms.user_is_workgroup_manager(self.user, wg) def is_stewardship_organisation_admin(self, org=None): kwargs = {"user": self.user, "role": "admin"} if org: kwargs["group"] = org return StewardOrganisationMembership.objects.filter(**kwargs).exists() @property def stewardship_organisations(self): """The list of Stewardship Organisations the user is a member in, or all, if they are a superuser """ if self.user.is_superuser: return StewardOrganisation.objects.all() else: # They are not a superuser return StewardOrganisation.objects.visible(self.user).filter(members__user=self.user) def is_favourite(self, item): from aristotle_mdr.contrib.favourites.models import Favourite fav = Favourite.objects.filter( tag__primary=True, tag__profile=self, item=item ) return fav.exists() def toggleFavourite(self, item): from aristotle_mdr.contrib.favourites.models import Favourite, Tag if self.is_favourite(item): fav = Favourite.objects.filter( tag__primary=True, tag__profile=self, item=item ) fav.delete() return False else: fav_tag, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create( profile=self, primary=True, ) Favourite.objects.create( tag=fav_tag, item=item ) return True @property def favourites(self): return _concept.objects.filter( favourites__tag__primary=True, favourites__tag__profile=self ).distinct() @property def favourite_item_pks(self): qs = _concept.objects.filter( favourites__tag__primary=True, favourites__tag__profile=self ).distinct().values_list('id', flat=True) return list(qs) @property def favs_and_tags_count(self): count = _concept.objects.filter( favourites__tag__profile=self ).distinct().count() return count def profile_picture_url(self): if self.profilePicture: return self.profilePicture.url else: return reverse("aristotle_mdr:dynamic_profile_picture", args=[]) class SandboxShare(models.Model): uuid = models.UUIDField( help_text=_("Universally-unique Identifier. Uses UUID1 as " "this improves uniqueness and ""tracking between registries"), unique=True, default=uuid.uuid1, editable=False, null=False ) profile = models.OneToOneField( PossumProfile, related_name='share', on_delete=models.PROTECT, ) created = models.DateTimeField( auto_now=True ) emails = JSONField() def __str__(self): return str({'uuid': self.uuid, 'profile': self.profile, 'created': self.created, 'emails: ': self.emails })