Source code for aristotle_mdr.templatetags.aristotle_tags

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tags and filters available in aristotle templates

A number of convenience tags are available for performing common actions in custom

Include the aristotle template tags in every template that uses them, like so::

    {% load aristotle_tags %}

Available tags and filters
from django import template
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, resolve
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from aristotle_mdr import perms
import aristotle_mdr.models as MDR

register = template.Library()

def can_alter_comment(user, comment):
        return perms.user_can_alter_comment(user, comment)
        return False

def can_alter_post(user, post):
        return perms.user_can_alter_post(user, post)
        return False

def is_in(item, iterable):
    return item in iterable

[docs]def in_workgroup(user, workgroup): """ A filter that acts as a wrapper around ``aristotle_mdr.perms.user_in_workgroup``. Returns true if the user has permission to administer the workgroup, otherwise it returns False. If calling ``user_in_workgroup`` throws an exception it safely returns False. For example:: {% if request.user|in_workgroup:workgroup %} {{ something }} {% endif %} """ try: return perms.user_in_workgroup(user, workgroup) except: return False
[docs]def can_edit(item, user): """ A filter that acts as a wrapper around ``aristotle_mdr.perms.user_can_edit``. Returns true if the user has permission to edit the item, otherwise it returns False. If calling ``user_can_edit`` throws an exception it safely returns False. For example:: {% if myItem|can_edit:request.user %} {{ item }} {% endif %} """ # return perms.user_can_edit(user, item) try: return perms.user_can_edit(user, item) except: # pragma: no cover -- passing a bad item or user is the template authors fault return None
[docs]def can_view(item, user): """ A filter that acts as a wrapper around ``aristotle_mdr.perms.user_can_view``. Returns true if the user has permission to view the item, otherwise it returns False. If calling ``user_can_view`` throws an exception it safely returns False. For example:: {% if myItem|can_view:request.user %} {{ item }} {% endif %} """ return perms.user_can_view(user, item)
[docs]def can_view_iter(qs, user): """ A filter that is a simple wrapper that applies the ``aristotle_mdr.models.ConceptManager.visible(user)`` for use in templates. Filtering on a Django ``Queryset`` and passing in the current user as the argument returns a list (not a ``Queryset`` at this stage) of only the items from the ``Queryset`` the user can view. If calling ``can_view_iter`` throws an exception it safely returns an empty list. For example:: {% for item in myItems|can_view_iter:request.user %} {{ item }} {% endfor %} """ try: return qs.visible(user) except: # pragma: no cover -- passing a bad queryset is the template authors fault return []
[docs]def public_standards(regAuth, itemType="aristotle_mdr._concept"): """ This is a filter that accepts a registration Authority and an item type and returns a list of tuples that contain all *public* items with a status of "Standard" or "Preferred Standard" *in that Registration Authority only*, as well as a the status object for that Authority. The item type should consist of the name of the app the item is from and the name of the item itself separated by a period (``.``). This requires the django ``django.contrib.contenttypes`` app is installed. If calling ``public_standards`` throws an exception or the item type requested is not found it safely returns an empty list. For example:: {% for item, status in registrationAuthority|public_standards:'aristotle_mdr.DataElement' %} {{ item }} - made standard on {{ status.registrationDate }}. {% endfor %} """ try: from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType app_label, model_name=itemType.lower().split('.', 1)[0:2] standard_states = [MDR.STATES.standard, MDR.STATES.preferred] return [ (i, i.statuses.filter(registrationAuthority=regAuth, state__in=standard_states).first()) for i in ContentType.objects.get(app_label=app_label, model=model_name).model_class().objects.filter(statuses__registrationAuthority=regAuth, statuses__state__in=standard_states).public() ] except: return []
@register.simple_tag def paginator_get(request, pageNumber, pop=''): # dict_ = request.GET.copy() for p in pop.split(','): dict_.pop(p, None) dict_['page'] = pageNumber return dict_.urlencode() @register.simple_tag def ifeq(a, b, val): return val if a == b else "" @register.simple_tag
[docs]def ternary(condition, a, b): """ A simple ternary tag - it beats verbose if/else tags in templates for simple strings If the ``condition`` is 'truthy' return ``a`` otherwise return ``b``. For example:: <a class="{% ternary item.is_public 'public' 'private' %}">{{}}</a> """ if condition: return a else: return b
@register.filter def paginator_range(page, mode): if mode=="start": if page.number <= 5: # show 4,5,6 if page is 4, 5,6,7 if page is 5... return page.paginator.page_range[:max(5, page.number + 2)] else: return page.paginator.page_range[:3] if mode=="middle": if page.number > 5 and page.number < page.paginator.num_pages - 5: return page.paginator.page_range[page.number - 3:page.number + 2] if mode=="end": if page.number > page.paginator.num_pages - 5: return page.paginator.page_range[-5:] else: return page.paginator.page_range[-1:] @register.filter
[docs]def stateToText(state): # @register.simple_tag """ This tag takes the integer value of a state for a registration status and converts it to its text equivilent. """ return MDR.STATES[int(state)]
@register.filter def unique_recent(recent): seen = [] out = [] for item in recent: if item._model and item.object and not in seen: seen.append( out.append(item) return out @register.simple_tag
[docs]def zws(string): # Adds a zerowidth space before an em-dash """ ``zws`` or "zero width space" is used to insert a soft break near em-dashed. Since em-dashs are commonly used in Data Element Concept names, this helps them wrap in the right places. For example:: <h1>{% zws %}</h1> """ string = string.encode('utf-8', 'xmlcharrefreplace') return string.replace("—", "&shy;—")
[docs]def adminEdit(item): """ A tag for easily generating the link to an admin page for editing an item. For example:: <a href="{% adminEdit item %}">Advanced editor for {{}}</a> """ app_name = item._meta.app_label return reverse("admin:%s_%s_change" % (app_name, item._meta.model_name), args=[])
[docs]def clone(item): """ A tag for easily generating the link to an admin page for "cloning" an item. For example:: <a href="{% clone item %}">Clone {{}}</a> """ app_name = item._meta.app_label return reverse("admin:%s_%s_add" % (app_name, item._meta.model_name)) + "?clone=%s" %
@register.simple_tag @register.simple_tag
[docs]def downloadMenu(item): """ Returns the complete download menu for a partcular item. It accepts the id of the item to make a download menu for, and the id must be of an item that can be downloaded, otherwise the links will show, but not work. For example:: {% downloadMenu item %} """ from django.conf import settings from django.template.loader import get_template from django.template import Context downloadOpts = getattr(settings, 'ARISTOTLE_DOWNLOADS', "") from aristotle_mdr.utils import get_download_template_path_for_item from aristotle_mdr.utils.downloads import get_download_module downloadsForItem = [] app_label = item._meta.app_label model_name = item._meta.model_name for d in downloadOpts: download_type = d[0] module_name = d[3] downloader = get_download_module(module_name) item_register = getattr(downloader, 'item_register', {}) dl = item_register.get(download_type, {}) if type(dl) is not str: if dl.get(app_label, []) == '__all__': downloadsForItem.append(d) elif model_name in dl.get(app_label, []): downloadsForItem.append(d) else: if dl == '__all__': downloadsForItem.append(d) elif dl == '__template__': try: get_template(get_download_template_path_for_item(item, download_type)) downloadsForItem.append(d) except template.TemplateDoesNotExist: pass # This is ok. except: pass # Something very bad has happened in the template. return get_template("aristotle_mdr/helpers/downloadMenu.html").render( Context({'item': item, 'download_options': downloadsForItem, }) )
@register.simple_tag def extra_content(extension, item, user): try: from django.template.loader import get_template from django.template import Context s = item._meta.object_name s = s[0].lower() + s[1:] return get_template(extension + "/extra_content/" + s + ".html").render( Context({'item': item, 'user': user}) ) except template.TemplateDoesNotExist: # there is no extra content for this item, and thats ok. return "" @register.simple_tag def bootstrap_modal(_id, size=None): size_class = "" if size == 'lg': size_class = "modal-lg" elif size == 'sm': size_class = "modal-sm" modal = '<div id="%s" class="modal fade"><div class="modal-dialog %s"><div class="modal-content"></div></div></div>' return modal % (_id, size_class) @register.simple_tag
[docs]def doc(item, field=None): """Gets the appropriate help text or docstring for a model or field. Accepts 1 or 2 string arguments: If 1, returns the docstring for the given model in the specified app. If 2, returns the help_text for the field on the given model in the specified app. """ from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from aristotle_mdr.utils.doc_parse import parse_rst, parse_docstring ct = item if field is None: model_name = ct._meta.model_name title, body, metadata = parse_docstring(ct.__doc__) if title: title = parse_rst(title, 'model', _('model:') + model_name) if body: body = parse_rst(body, 'model', _('model:') + model_name) return title else: if ct._meta.get_field(field).help_text: return _(ct._meta.get_field(field).help_text) else: # return _("No help text for the field '%(field)s' found on the model '%(model)s' in the app '%(app)s'") % {'app':app_label,'model':model_name,'field':field} return _("No help text for the field '%(field)s' found for the model '%(model)s'") % {'model': item.get_verbose_name(), 'field': field}
@register.filter def can_use_action(user, bulk_action, *args): from aristotle_mdr.views.bulk_actions import get_bulk_actions bulk_action = get_bulk_actions().get(bulk_action) return bulk_action['can_use'](user) @register.filter def template_path(item, _type): from aristotle_mdr.utils import get_download_template_path_for_item _type, subpath=_type.split(',') return get_download_template_path_for_item(item, _type, subpath) @register.filter def visibility_text(item): visibility = _("hidden") if item._is_locked: visibility = _("locked") if item._is_public: visibility = _("public") return visibility