Technical requirements

The Aristotle Metadata Registry is built on the django framework which supports a wide range of operating systems and databases. While Aristotle-MDR should support most of these only a small set of configurations have been thoroughly tested on the Travis-CI continuous integration system as “supported infrastucture”.

Operating system support

  • Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS

Travis-CI does not yet have containerised support for the Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 long-term support releases.


  • Python 2.7

Some modules are incompatible with Python 3 (support coming soon).


  • Django version 1.8 LTS

Database support

  • SQLite
  • Postgres

MySQL has a number of small issues in the test suite (full coverage coming soon).

Search index support

  • Elasticsearch 2.4+
  • Whoosh